Arti kata "highschool" bahasa Inggris dalam bahasa Indonesia

Arti kata highschool bahasa

A place where teenagers ranging usually from age 13 to 18 go to work their ass off,or slack off,or do not so good,or not as good as they were capable of doing,for 4 years,maybe more depending on how bad you fuck up,or the circumstances you were in.if you fuck up good luck taking the class over again.a place where there is no use fighting with teachers,they win,you find you just do what you have to do and get it over with,because the second time will be worst than the first time.A place where you don't really go to learn educational stuff,you go to learn life lessons,and more about yourself that you didn't know,you meet people you wont ever forget,you meet people you forget the next day.A place where the pressure is crazy.A place where there are fake ass bitches,and drama like a bitch! but you hopefully eventually learn to deal,and not let it get to you.A place where no matter how many sex ed teachers come in to talk to your class and show you pictures of people with STD's,and all the sob stories, it probably wont change your mind about having sex,it just doesn't.A place you probably cant wait to get out of but miss it later on in your life.A place where drugs are everywhere and your one strong person to never use ever during high school.or you probably never had the opportunity to and if you did,you probably would try. But either way the temptation is there,and you'll wonder about the feeling it gives you.A place where you meet some actual decent people,you call "my girls","my boys","my niggas","my bitches" etc.A place where you go to try to impress people you probably dont know but know OF,a place where you try to feel good about yourself but you feel certain people are SO much better looking than you,and you sometimes want their life.A place where you have so many insecurities. A place where you try your best to hold secrets.A place where pregnancies,abortions,car accidents,and death happen.A place that brings you up and pulls you down in a hearbeat.A place where you don't understand your feelings most the time.A place where you'll hate and strongly dislike some people.A place where you say "fuck teachers" "fuck high school" "fuck this class" "i miss being a kid","this is too much work", "FUCK THIS".A place that parents or guardians will just NEVER understand why you do the things you do,why you hang out with the ones you do,or why you want what you want,they usually don't want to,or just don't take the time to.A place where you go and you learn a lot about yourself,a place that changes you,for better or for worst.A place that will make you or fucking break you.


highschool : you decide how you want those 4 years to be

Arti kata highschool bahasa

A sad, sad group of people.


look at those highschoolers (sigh)

Arti kata highschool bahasa

Highschool is an intermediary between elementary school and college. In the US, it is essentially a federally funded daycare and provides as much of an education as prison provides rehabilitation.


Susie: Daddy, read me a story. Dad: Uh, daddy can't read. Susie: Why not, daddy? Dad: because daddy's highschool didn't think it was odd that he couldn't read or write. They also didn't think it was worth the trouble to fail him if he didn't learn.

Arti kata highschool bahasa

Welcome to High School, the worst four years of your life. Your best friend will leave you. Your close knot group of friends will break apart. You'll have relationships that will mess you up. Your friends will do all sort of illgeal things. Some of the people you know will start self harming. Others will attempt suicide. You will learn useless stuff. You will have horrible teachers. Good luck balancing grades, sleep, relationships, and friends. You'll be bullied. You'll be insulted. You'll live laugh and cry. Welcome to high school. Enjoy the next 4 years of hell.


Highschool sure is hell

Arti kata highschool bahasa

a (cute) girl of high school age, not to be confused with MiddleSchool


"what up highschool" whatchu doin later?

Arti kata highschool bahasa

Referring to a person that is between ages 14 and 18. Where you become a man, or a woman. Typically immature and naive. Usually good looking. Common occurances; loss of eyebrow and virginity in one night. Usually drinks milk on school nights and has mother pack lunches on weekdays. Curfew ranges from 10pm-midnight.


Highschool likes going to school, learning about sex, and algebra.

Arti kata highschool bahasa

the most powerful drug that will ruin your life more than any other drug, the high lasts for about 3 years and has permanent effects


I took highschool ad now my life is fucked

Arti kata highschool bahasa

a place where you wont be able to learn anything because the kid in the backseat plays x rap way too loud on his headphones. and if you are not above 5"5 or over 200 pounds you'll get beat up to shit, because gross teens are looking forward to jail time in the future for assault


person numero uno: i need to go back to highschool tomorrow person numero dos: my friend was literally murdered there person numero uno: this is why i want to drop out don't you get it?

Arti kata highschool bahasa

complete hell. home to the bitchiest people alive.


person 1: yo who's that? person 2: no, not who's that. what's that? person 3: that is highschool. welcome aboard the ride to death

Arti kata highschool bahasa

buckle up and enjoy this ride.. i’m going to tell you what goes on in highschool. The four years you are in highschool are supposedly your best times of your life. i beg to differ. It is hell waking up every morning at 5 am then going to school from 7-3. As soon as you get home your mentally and physically exhausted. the home work SUCKS. Friday nights are the best parts. Every friday night highschool kids hang out with their friends, get drunk, hookup with too many ppl, etc. Once school starts back on monday everyone is hungover and miserable then the whole process starts over again. Highschool kids LOVE the beach. They always talk about how they want it to be summer and how they are craving summer. Mostly because they want to get wasted and fucked at the beach with all the hot guys. In highschool everyone bullies the underclassmen but it’s fine bc the older students had to deal with it freshman year so it’s just routine. Don’t spend highschool with negative people. If you wanna be a hoe and have sex do it. If you wanna be a druggie and do drugs do it. Highschool is the time of you life for everything besides academics so enjoy it🍻


highschool is the best four years of your life!

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