Arti kata "emo girls" bahasa Inggris dalam bahasa Indonesia

Arti kata emo girls bahasa

Emo Girl An emo girl is a girl who likes to dress in emo fashion, has an emo(tional) personality and listens to emo music. (Such as Bright Eyes.) Emo girls like to hang out with other emo girls and emo boys. They are usually sad most of the time, do not smile very often, and just like emo boys, show no signs of self worth or self confidence whatsoever and will not make eye contact with you. An emo girl has very dark hair, either cut somewhere around their shoulder, or in the classic emo haircut, which is sort of short and spiky in the back with long sweeping bangs in the front. Their hair has to be very dark brown or black, or in some cases very light blonde as long as the cut is right. No matter what, it must be worn so that it is covering part of their face at all times. This is because emo girls tend to be shy and mysterious and don’t really want their face to show too much. They usually wear a lot of dark eyeliner and tend to have washed out skin. Most emo girls are vegetarians or vegans. Although some girls just dress in the emo style, most emo girls are sad; cry and write poetry a lot, and tend to cut their wrists. They usually hide this by wearing armbands or lots of happy colored bracelets. Their clothing consists of tight jeans, converse and dark colored tight shirts. They also might have a scarf on. They may a few have pins from shows on their jeans. They usually have at least a few piercings and wear lots of happy colored jewelry. Some wear horn rimmed glasses, some do not. They really don’t like it if you confuse them with a goth. Emo and goth are very different so don’t make this mistake. They are most likely to be seen at shows, looking completely sad and lost. Emo girls also love it when emo boys make out with each other (which they tend to do a lot). Just like Emo boys, they usually walk with their head down not making eye contact with anyone. Although most Emo kids are very sad and feel like the world hates them, they tend to understand what other Emo kids are going through.


That girl over there in the corner with the dark hair, listening to Bright Eyes, and staring at the floor must be emo.

Arti kata emo girls bahasa

Pseudo-intelligent idiots who dress and act a certain way in attempt to fit into the "emo" subculture. That's all they are -- they're not original, they're not sophisticated, they're shallow little teenage shitbags who want sex from like-minded emo shitbags. I'm into photography, I took many of the first pictures that were put up on this website. I don't take pictures of myself in a mirror and post them under "emo" and "scene". I play the guitar too, and I can say that 99% of all emo songs consist of power chords and simple pentatonic solos played in the same key. They don't have any real emotion, just gaudy over-fermented lyrics. Real emotion = Steve Vai or Jeff Beck.


Example: The emo girl read this definition, it angered her, and she gave it a thumbs down.

Arti kata emo girls bahasa

Emo Girl is like an emo boy, only obviously, a girl. Cords, pants roled up at the bottom, emo bandshirts, emo band pins, and of course, an emo ex-boyfriend. Hornrimmed glasses, or glasses with thick blak rims, and bangs that cover at least half their face. Lastly, a pair chucks, and matching belt of course, cause we all know, your belts HAVE to match your shoes.


Nerd, with a fashion sence.

Arti kata emo girls bahasa

outside: 1 usually have a mullet 2 either really skiny or really fat 3 mostly white people because bl;ack people are too stuck up to listen to white people sing 4 dress cute inside: 1 nice 2 if they do drugs, its for attention 3 some of them know they dont have problems but they act like it anyway 4 not sad dont cry a lot get to know people they dont like to be caleed emo


emo girls and guys: emo girl: hey emo boy: hi! *kiss emo girl: can i use your eye liner i forgot mine lol emo guy: sure. : i love emos

Arti kata emo girls bahasa

Who the hell wrote these definitions? Just cuz some girls like to dress a certain way and listen to a certain style of music, it doesn't instantly turn them into shallow/fake/attention-seeking. That's emo poser. Anyhow, true emo girls are usually fun, amusing people ( though to others they may appear odd). Some are quiet and reserved too, but they are always intelligent or artistic, and they love japanese cartoons and cute hairclips/bows, so much that they buy loads no matter how much they need. Emo girls who smoke/drink/do drugs/self-harm are only doing it because they feel like it, and are probably a bit messed up at the time, because that DOES HAPPEN TO PEOPLE SOMETIMES. (In fact I think the reason they dress like that in the first place is because they're trying to express the way they've felt). They are very true to themselves and won't stop doing something just because it's 'uncool'.


(Pointing at tartan skinny jeans) Emo girl: That. Is. Awesome. Non-emo friend: Em, sure, whatever you say. Emo girl: I want it. Non-emo friend: You don't have enough money. Emo girl: I want it. Non-emo friend: I though you were saving up for a hamster? Emo girl: =C *disappointed*

Arti kata emo girls bahasa

Why don't you just look up cam whore?


see emo's pics for all the latest emo cam whores

Arti kata emo girls bahasa

An excellent location for you and your buds to dump load after steaming load of stick ooey gooey cum. On her made-up face!


Nothing is better than a young, rich, stupid, silly, emo girl with a warm pussy and a tight funky-fruity maloderous asshole. YUM!

Arti kata emo girls bahasa

emo girls are easy to get into the sack but theyre usually really dirty. they dont have much self esteem cuz they feel they have to dress and act a certain way to get acceptance.


damn none of the hot girls are available ill have to go screw another silly emo girl

Arti kata emo girls bahasa

emos are people who are free and true to themselves and don't give a flying crap what people think about them! im sick of everyone thinking that all emos slit their rists when they don't and they think we are all depressed and screwed up but we're not! its a flipping outrage! People think I worship satain and that I wanna die which is so not true. Emos are individual and unique.


You never see emo girls fighting back much because it's a waste of their time and they can go outside wearing the most bizarre and wierdest things ever and still not give a crap!

Arti kata emo girls bahasa

emo girls: wear skinny jeans , die their hair sometime, use a straightener most of the time, has a emo haircut; making their hair look feathery and poofy useing a razor to cut most of their hair, like to listen to punk music like the bands like black veil brides ect, wear dark black eyeliner. I do/am: i am emo I AM NOT a homo i dont like girls that way i find girls who do kinda weird ... i wear skinny skinny jeans i wear tight shirts with band names on them i love wearing dark black makeup, i love hanging out with my ture friends i have a emo haircut; a frinage feathery poofy haircut, i am getting my cartliage pireced i dont dye my hair but my hair is nautarl blech blonde i have long extensions, i do cut , but not all emo people do, i am a really nice girl if u get to know me i usaually dont say the first word when i met a person but i will if i like them and want to get to know them, i am 13 years old and i love who i am! some people dont and they bully me this is why i have become emo it got so bad ... remeber when u bully it may look like your not hurting them but u r..... if u dont have any thing good to say dont say anything!


look a the emo girl listening to black veil brides with her non-emo girls

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