Apa bahasa inggrisnya bantal guling

Corpus name: OpenSubtitles2018. License: not specified. References: http://opus.nlpl.eu/OpenSubtitles2018.php, http://stp.lingfil.uu.se/~joerg/paper/opensubs2016.pdf

Corpus name: OpenSubtitles2018. License: not specified. References: http://opus.nlpl.eu/OpenSubtitles2018.php, http://stp.lingfil.uu.se/~joerg/paper/opensubs2016.pdf

Corpus name: OpenSubtitles2018. License: not specified. References: http://opus.nlpl.eu/OpenSubtitles2018.php, http://stp.lingfil.uu.se/~joerg/paper/opensubs2016.pdf

Corpus name: OpenSubtitles2018. License: not specified. References: http://opus.nlpl.eu/OpenSubtitles2018.php, http://stp.lingfil.uu.se/~joerg/paper/opensubs2016.pdf

Corpus name: OpenSubtitles2018. License: not specified. References: http://opus.nlpl.eu/OpenSubtitles2018.php, http://stp.lingfil.uu.se/~joerg/paper/opensubs2016.pdf

Corpus name: OpenSubtitles2018. License: not specified. References: http://opus.nlpl.eu/OpenSubtitles2018.php, http://stp.lingfil.uu.se/~joerg/paper/opensubs2016.pdf

Corpus name: OpenSubtitles2018. License: not specified. References: http://opus.nlpl.eu/OpenSubtitles2018.php, http://stp.lingfil.uu.se/~joerg/paper/opensubs2016.pdf

Corpus name: OpenSubtitles2018. License: not specified. References: http://opus.nlpl.eu/OpenSubtitles2018.php, http://stp.lingfil.uu.se/~joerg/paper/opensubs2016.pdf

Corpus name: OpenSubtitles2018. License: not specified. References: http://opus.nlpl.eu/OpenSubtitles2018.php, http://stp.lingfil.uu.se/~joerg/paper/opensubs2016.pdf

Corpus name: OpenSubtitles2018. License: not specified. References: http://opus.nlpl.eu/OpenSubtitles2018.php, http://stp.lingfil.uu.se/~joerg/paper/opensubs2016.pdf

Corpus name: OpenSubtitles2018. License: not specified. References: http://opus.nlpl.eu/OpenSubtitles2018.php, http://stp.lingfil.uu.se/~joerg/paper/opensubs2016.pdf

Corpus name: OpenSubtitles2018. License: not specified. References: http://opus.nlpl.eu/OpenSubtitles2018.php, http://stp.lingfil.uu.se/~joerg/paper/opensubs2016.pdf

Corpus name: OpenSubtitles2018. License: not specified. References: http://opus.nlpl.eu/OpenSubtitles2018.php, http://stp.lingfil.uu.se/~joerg/paper/opensubs2016.pdf

Corpus name: OpenSubtitles2018. License: not specified. References: http://opus.nlpl.eu/OpenSubtitles2018.php, http://stp.lingfil.uu.se/~joerg/paper/opensubs2016.pdf

Corpus name: OpenSubtitles2018. License: not specified. References: http://opus.nlpl.eu/OpenSubtitles2018.php, http://stp.lingfil.uu.se/~joerg/paper/opensubs2016.pdf

Corpus name: OpenSubtitles2018. License: not specified. References: http://opus.nlpl.eu/OpenSubtitles2018.php, http://stp.lingfil.uu.se/~joerg/paper/opensubs2016.pdf

Corpus name: OpenSubtitles2018. License: not specified. References: http://opus.nlpl.eu/OpenSubtitles2018.php, http://stp.lingfil.uu.se/~joerg/paper/opensubs2016.pdf

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Apa bahasa inggrisnya bantal guling

  • dutch-wife
  • pillow
  • dutch wife
  • bolster
  • long pillow
  • bantal:    cushion; pillow; headrest; padding; squab;
  • guling:    bolster; scroll; roll; coil; overthrow; bowl;
  • guling:    bolster; scroll; roll; coil; overthrow; bowl; gyre; subvert; pillow; overturn; curlicue; bring down; undulate; curl; long pillow; ringlet; whorl
  • bantal:    cushion; pillow; headrest; padding; squab; cushioning; stool; support
  • guling-guling:    rolling; twisted
  • guling-guling jangkar:    anchor buntline
  • babi guling:    pig roast
  • berguling-guling:    roll about; rolled about; roll
  • gesekan guling:    rolling friction
  • guling (senam):    roll (gymnastics)
  • guling bambu:    bamboo wife
  • kemudi guling:    aileron
  • kontak guling:    rolling contact
  • terguling-guling:    ramble; stray; wave; swan; seethe; hustle; undulate; roll out; wheel; roam; range; wrap; roll; wander; pluck; roll over; turn over; tramp; cast; drift; roll up; flap; twine; revolve; vagabond; rove;
  • bantal angin:    air cushion


  • Ah, jeez, you know, you buy one throw pillow.
    Ya ampun, kau harus beli satu bantal guling.
  • We also sell other baby bolster pillows.
    Kami juga menjual bantal guling bayi model lain.
  • Polo Hotel in Ronda – book now
    Bantal Guling Trans Guest house in Bandung – book now
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  • Cottonseeds pillow bolster owl and friends, baby bolster pillows, baby sleeping pillows, baby bolsters, baby bedding
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  • Lebih banyak contoh:  1  2

Kata lain

Apakah ada guling di luar negeri?

Tertulis bahwa guling tidak ditemukan di negara-negara lain di dunia, sampai orang-orang Belanda dan Eropa lainnya datang ke Indonesia. Guling pada zaman itu diibaratkan sebagai teman atau pendamping tidur. Karena banyak penjajah yang datang tidak dengan istri atau pasangannya.

Sofa inggrisnya apa?

couch {kata benda}

Leher inggrisnya apa?

Bahasa inggrisnya leher itu neck.

Apa arti selimut dalam bahasa Inggris?

Jawaban ini terverifikasi Bahasa Inggrisnya adalah blanket.