Add library mysql jdbc driver

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    Adding MySQL connector to the Java Project sometimes creates a fuss for the programmer. In this article, we have provided the steps to install or add the MySQL connector to your project.

    Please note that before downloading the MySQL connector, you should be clear about the version of the MySQL you are using i.e. whether it is version 5 or 8. To check which version of MySQL is installed in your computer open the MySQL command line client; write the query show variables like ‘%version%’; this will give you a table containing multiple rows, check the version row of the table and confirm your version installed.

    Step 1: After ensuring the version, if you have the version 8 then just search for MySQL connector version 8 and download it from the official website. Else if the version is 5 then go to the Archived page of the MySQL and select the Product version to anyone among all present for version 5. Select the operating system to be platform independent. Download ZIP Archive file which contains the JAR file of the connector.

    Step 2: Open the downloaded zipped folder and copy the folder present in it to some other location of your choice.

    Step 3: Open the Apache NetBeans and right click on the project in which you have to add the connector. In the option pane, click on Properties.

    Step 4: In properties, go to Libraries and click on the plus ‘+’ tab of the Classpath and choose Add JAR/Folder.

    Step 5: Browse the folder which we copied to some other location and choose the JAR file present in that folder with name such as mysql-connector-java-8.0.22 and click on Open.

    Step 6: Uncheck the box of Build Dependencies and click on Ok.

    Step 7: You will note that the MySQL connector is shown in the Libraries package of your project.

    Congratulations, MySQL connector has been successfully installed for your project.

    Connect to MySQL data in NetBeans with the data source configuration wizard.

    The CData JDBC Driver for MySQL integrates connectivity to live MySQL data in IDEs that support JDBC. The JDBC standard enables you to use built-in data access wizards and other tools supporting rapid development. This article shows how to connect to MySQL data in NetBeans. You will create a connection and edit and save MySQL data in the Table Editor.

    Create a JDBC Data Source for MySQL in NetBeans

    To create the JDBC data source, expand the Database node in the Service window, right-click the Drivers node, and select New Driver. In the New Driver wizard that results, enter the following information:

    • Driver File(s): Click Add and, in the file explorer dialog that appears, select the cdata.jdbc.mysql.jar file. The driver JAR is located in the lib subfolder of the installation directory.
    • Driver Class: Click Find to search for the driver class inside the JAR. Then select cdata.jdbc.mysql.MySQLDriver from the menu.
    • Name: Enter the name for the driver.

    Define Connection Parameters

    Follow the steps below to define required connection properties:

    1. In the Service window, right-click the Database node and click New Connection.

    2. In the New Connection Wizard, enter the following connection properties:

      • Driver Name: In the menu, select the CData JDBC Driver for MySQL.
      • User Name: Enter the username. This can also be defined in the JDBC URL.
      • Password: Enter the password. This can also be defined in the JDBC URL.
      • JDBC URL: Specify the JDBC URL.

        The Server and Port properties must be set to a MySQL server. If IntegratedSecurity is set to false, then User and Password must be set to valid user credentials. Optionally, Database can be set to connect to a specific database. If not set, tables from all databases will be returned.

        Built-in Connection String Designer

        For assistance in constructing the JDBC URL, use the connection string designer built into the MySQL JDBC Driver. Either double-click the JAR file or execute the jar file from the command-line.

        java -jar cdata.jdbc.mysql.jar

        Fill in the connection properties and copy the connection string to the clipboard.

        A typical JDBC URL is the following:


    Query MySQL Data

    To connect to MySQL data, right-click the connection in the Database node and click Connect. After the connection is established, you can expand it to discover schema information.

    To load a table in the Data Views window, right-click the table and then click View Data. You can also insert, update, or delete records in the Data Views window.

    How do I download MySQL driver for JDBC?

    Download the driver.
    Navigate to the MySQL Community Downloads website..
    Click the Archives tab..
    Click the Product Version drop-down menu and select 5.1. ... .
    Download the ZIP archive (for Windows) or TAR archive (for Linux and macOS)..
    Unpack the archive file using WinZIP (for Windows) or another utility..

    Where does JDBC driver install MySQL?

    Installing the JDBC Driver for MySQL Databases jar file among the files that were installed. For example, on Windows: C:\Program Files (x86)\MySQL\MySQL Connector J\mysql-connector-java-5.1. 30-bin.

    How do I download MySQL library in NetBeans?

    1 Answer.
    Go to Services Tab..
    Select Databases..
    Right click and select Register MYSQL driver..
    Right Click libraries in project and select MYSQL from add Libraries..

    How do I add MySQL Connector JAR to classpath?

    You need to add the downloaded Java MySQL Connector JAR in client project's classpath . To do this, right click on your Java Project (JDBCMySQLSample) -> Properties -> Buildpath -> Libraries -> Add External JAR and select “mysql-connector-java-5.1. 14-bin.

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