5 serum penumbuh alis terbaik 2022

Daftar harga 100 dollar amerika terbaru November 2022

Goldfoil 100 dollar amerika + COA ( souvenir )


souvenir soufenir gold bar replika emas batangan usd100 usd 100 dollar dollars amerika america dengan case pelindung


Goldfoil 100 dollar amerika / usd "Donald Trump" , lengkap dengan folder plastik frame Certificate Of Authenticity ( COA )


Uang souvenir soufenir gold foil goldfoil 100 dollar amerika usd lengkap dengan plastik frame COA dan sertifikat


Uang SOVENIR REPRO 100 Dollar Amerika Tahun 2009


souvenir gold bar replika emas batangan usd 100 usd100 100 dollar amerika kualitas terbaik




Uang Asli USD $100 Dollar / Uang Amerika Asli 100 Dolar


Uang souvenir soufenir gold foil goldfoil 100 dollar amerika usd donald trump lengkap dengan plastik frame COA dan sertifikat


Uang souvenir soufenir gold foil goldfoil 100 trillion trilyun dollar amerika usd lengkap dengan plastik frame COA dan sertifikat

Data diperbarui pada 17/11/2022


Rabu, 27 Oktober 2021 06:10 WIB

Sejumlah pemulung memindahkan limbah plastik di Tempat Pembuangan Sampah Terpadu (TPST) Bantargebang, Bekasi, Jawa Barat, Senin, 1 Juni 2020. Menurut data Dinas Lingkungan Hidup DKI Jakarta, usai Lebaran rata-rata jumlah sampah yang datang ke TPST Bantargebang menurun dari tahun 2019 yaitu 7.145 ton per hari menjadi 6.602 ton per hari. ANTARA/Fakhri Hermansyah

TEMPO.CO, Jakarta – Permasalahan sampah menjadi isu global yang mengkhawatirkan seiring perkembangan zaman di era modern. Gaya hidup modernitas membuat penggunaan plastik semakin meningkat. Namun, pemakaian produk plastik yang semakin bertambah ini tidak dibarengi dengan manajemen pengelolaan sampah plastik yang sesuai. Akibatnya, kondisi ini memperburuk jumlah sampah plastik di dunia. Negara-negara berikut merupakan penghasil sampah plastik terbesar di laut.

Sebagaimana dilansir dari laman euronews.com, pada 2020, India menjadi negara terburuk penghasil sampah plastik di lautan. Setidaknya, India menghasilkan 126,5 juta kilo sampah plastik pertahunnya. Berat sampah plastik di India setara dengan 250 ribu lumba-lumba hidung botol.

Dilansir laman binus.ac.id, penghasil sampah plastik terbesar di laut berikutnya dipegang oleh negara tirai bambu. Cina setidaknya menghasilkan 70,7 juta kilogram sampah plastik pertahunnya yang menyumbat laut secara global.  

Peringkat tiga sebagai negara yang menghasilkan sampah plastik terbesar di dunia diduduki oleh Indonesia. Dijelaskan dalam laman indonesia.go.id, pada 2020, Indonesia menghasilkan sampah plastik sebanyak 67,8 juta ton atau terdapat 185.753 ton sampah setiap harinya dihasilkan oleh 270 juta penduduk. Melansir laman forbes.com, Indonesia menghasilkan sampah plastik di laut sebanyak 56,3 juta kilogram, bahkan Sungai Citarum dinobatkan sebagai sungai paling tercemar di dunia.

Amerika Serikat
Amerika Serikat turut menyumbang sebahai negara penghasil sampah plastik terbesar di dunia. Pada 2018, sampah plastik menyumbang sebanyak 12 persen dari 292 juta ton limbah padat perkotaan di AS, dengan total sekitar 35,7 juta ton. Hal itu menjadikan AS menempati peringat ketiga di antara negara-negara pesisir yang membuah sampah plastik ke laut secara ilegal, sebagaimana dijelaskan laman nationalgeographic.com

Laporan terbaru World Wildlife Fund (WWF) menyatakan bahwa Brazil adalah produsen sampah plastik terbesar keempat di dunia. Setidaknya, sebanyak 38 kilogram sampah plastik dihasilkan oleh negara yang memiliki Hutan Amazon ini.


Baca: Satu Orang Indonesia Hasilkan 0.68 Kilogram Sampah Per Hari juga Sampah Plastik

Selalu update info terkini. Simak breaking news dan berita pilihan dari Tempo.co di kanal Telegram “Tempo.co Update”. Klik //t.me/tempodotcoupdate untuk bergabung. Anda perlu meng-install aplikasi Telegram terlebih dahulu.

Rekomendasi Berita

KTT G20 Tahun Depan Digelar di New Delhi, Inilah 8 Keunikan Ibu Kota India

2 jam lalu

KTT G20 Tahun Depan Digelar di New Delhi, Inilah 8 Keunikan Ibu Kota India

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Macron Sebut China dan India Ikut Desak Rusia di KTT G20

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Macron Sebut China dan India Ikut Desak Rusia di KTT G20

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Dikabarkan Tertarik Membeli Liverpool, Berikut Profil Juragan Mukesh Ambani

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Dikabarkan Tertarik Membeli Liverpool, Berikut Profil Juragan Mukesh Ambani

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KTT G20 Berakhir, Jokowi Serahkan Kepemimpinan ke PM India

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Sampah Plastik Cemari Pulau Dewata, Produsen Diminta Bertanggungjawab

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Sampah Plastik Cemari Pulau Dewata, Produsen Diminta Bertanggungjawab

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Setelah Jalani Operasi Mata Kanan di India, Novel Baswedan: Alhamdulillah, Berangsur Membaik

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Setelah Jalani Operasi Mata Kanan di India, Novel Baswedan: Alhamdulillah, Berangsur Membaik

Eks penyidik senior KPk, Novel Baswedan Oktober lalu menjalani operasi mata kanan di India. Begini kondisinya saat ini.

Gunakan daftar menyeluruh produsen dan pemasok plastik kami untuk memeriksa dan mengurutkan produsen plastik teratas dengan pratinjau iklan dan deskripsi terperinci dari setiap produk. Setiap produsen plastik dapat menyediakan produk dan layanan plastik untuk memenuhi kualifikasi khusus perusahaan Anda. Koneksi yang mudah untuk mencapai produsen plastik melalui permintaan cepat kami untuk formulir penawaran disediakan. Sumber ini tepat untuk Anda apakah itu untuk polikarbonat, film plastik, PVC atau kebutuhan plastik lainnya.


Semua Plastik dan Fiberglass, Inc. (AL) (AL)

Diversified Plastics & Packaging, Inc. (SC) (SC)

ISOFLEX Packaging (FL) (FL)

Perusahaan Kleerdex (SC) (SC)

Laird Plastics, Inc. (FL) (FL)

Multi-Pak USA, Inc. (GA) (GA)

Industri Polimer (AL) (AL)

Porex Corporation (GA) (GA)


Achilles USA, Inc. (WA) (WA)

Lemac Manufacturing Co. Inc. (WA) (WA)

Logam Online (WA) (WA)


Acorn Paper Products Company (CA) (CA)

Calsak Plastics (CA) (CA)

Containers Unlimited, Inc. (CA) (CA)

Continental Western Corporation (CA) (CA)

Elastics, Perusahaan Plastik Ridout (CA) (CA)

Hoffman Plastic Compounds Inc. (CA) (CA)

Industrial Plastic Supply, Inc. (CA) (CA)

Plastik Interstate (CA) (CA)

Tn. Plastik (CA) (CA)

Orange County Industrial Plastics (CA) (CA)

Depot plastik (CA) (CA)

Plastik Supply, Inc. (WA) (WA)

Plastifab, Inc. (CA) (CA)

Polymer Plastics Corporation (CA) (CA)

Plastik Profesional (CA) (CA)

S&W Plastik (CA) (CA)

Vanderveer Industrial Plastics, Inc. (CA) (CA)


ACI Plastics (MO) (MO)

Advanced Gasket & Supply, Inc. (TX) (TX)

Aurora Technologies, Inc. (MO) (MO)

Baker Plastics, Inc./Baker Glass Co. (TX) (TX)

Boedeker Plastics, Inc. (TX) (TX)

Kemasan Fleksibel (TX) (TX)

Nationwide Plastics, Inc. (TX) (TX)

Nike Ihm, Inc. (MO) (MO)

Plastik Amerika Utara (TX) (TX)

Plastik Factory, Inc. (TX) (TX)

Plastik Supply & Fabrikasi, Inc. (OK) (OK)

Regal Plastic Supply Company (MO) (MO)

San Diego Plastics, Inc. (CA) (CA)

British Columbia

Achilles USA, Inc. (WA) (WA)

Lemac Manufacturing Co. Inc. (WA) (WA)

Logam Online (WA) (WA)


Achilles USA, Inc. (WA) (WA)

Acorn Paper Products Company (CA) (CA)

Calsak Plastics (CA) (CA)

Containers Unlimited, Inc. (CA) (CA)

Continental Western Corporation (CA) (CA)

Elastics, Perusahaan Plastik Ridout (CA) (CA)

Hoffman Plastic Compounds Inc. (CA) (OR)

Hoffman Plastic Compounds Inc. (CA) (CA)

Industrial Plastic Supply, Inc. (CA) (CA)

Plastik Interstate (CA) (CA)

Lemac Manufacturing Co. Inc. (WA) (WA)

Tn. Plastik (CA) (CA)

Logam Online (WA) (WA)

Orange County Industrial Plastics (CA) (CA)

Depot plastik (CA) (CA)

Plastik Supply, Inc. (WA) (WA)

Plastifab, Inc. (CA) (CA)

Polymer Plastics Corporation (CA) (CA)

Plastik Profesional (CA) (CA)

S&W Plastik (CA) (CA)

Vanderveer Industrial Plastics, Inc. (CA) (CA)


Advanced Gasket & Supply, Inc. (TX) (TX)

Aurora Technologies, Inc. (MO) (NE)

Baker Plastics, Inc./Baker Glass Co. (TX) (TX)

Boedeker Plastics, Inc. (TX) (TX)

Kemasan Fleksibel (TX) (TX)

Nationwide Plastics, Inc. (TX) (TX)

Plastik Amerika Utara (TX) (TX)

Plastik Factory, Inc. (TX) (TX)

Plastik Supply & Fabrikasi, Inc. (OK) (OK)

San Diego Plastics, Inc. (CA) (CA)

British Columbia (CO)


Freelin-Wade Co. (OR) (CT)

Colorado (CT)

American Plastics Supply & Fabrication Co. (NE) (CT)

Udy Corp. (CO) (MA)

Connecticut (CT)

American Polyfilm, Inc. (CT)

H. Muehlstein & Company, Inc. (CT) (OH)

Modern Plastics, Inc. (CT) (OH)

Freelin-Wade Co. (OR) (CT)

Colorado (VA)

American Plastics Supply & Fabrication Co. (NE) (OH)

Udy Corp. (CO) (OH)

Connecticut (DE)

American Polyfilm, Inc. (CT) (NC)

H. Muehlstein & Company, Inc. (CT) (OH)

Colorado (CT)

American Plastics Supply & Fabrication Co. (NE) (OH)

Udy Corp. (CO) (SC)

Connecticut (OH)

American Plastics Supply & Fabrication Co. (NE) (CT)

Udy Corp. (CO) (OH)

Connecticut (DE)

American Polyfilm, Inc. (CT) (OH)

H. Muehlstein & Company, Inc. (CT) (OH)

Modern Plastics, Inc. (CT) (VA)

Omniflex (MA) (OH)

Udy Corp. (CO) (MA)

Connecticut (CT)

American Polyfilm, Inc. (CT) (NC)

H. Muehlstein & Company, Inc. (CT) (NC)

Modern Plastics, Inc. (CT) (OH)

Omniflex (MA) (NC)

Oxford Polymers (CT) (OH)

Delaware (NC)

Aetna Plastics Corporation (OH)

Semua Plastik dan Fiberglass, Inc. (AL) (AL)

Diversified Plastics & Packaging, Inc. (SC) (SC)

ISOFLEX Packaging (FL) (FL)

Perusahaan Kleerdex (SC) (SC)

Laird Plastics, Inc. (FL) (FL)

Multi-Pak USA, Inc. (GA) (GA)

Industri Polimer (AL) (AL)

Porex Corporation (GA) (GA)

Akron Porcelain & Plastics Company (OH)

Semua Plastik dan Fiberglass, Inc. (AL) (AL)

Colorado (VA)

Diversified Plastics & Packaging, Inc. (SC) (SC)

American Polyfilm, Inc. (CT) (NC)

Udy Corp. (CO) (SC)

ISOFLEX Packaging (FL) (FL)

Perusahaan Kleerdex (SC) (SC)

Laird Plastics, Inc. (FL) (FL)

Multi-Pak USA, Inc. (GA) (GA)

Modern Plastics, Inc. (CT) (VA)

American Polyfilm, Inc. (CT) (NC)

H. Muehlstein & Company, Inc. (CT) (NC)

Omniflex (MA) (NC)

Industri Polimer (AL) (AL)

Porex Corporation (GA) (GA)

Delaware (NC)

Aetna Plastics Corporation (OH)

Achilles USA, Inc. (WA) (WA)

Hoffman Plastic Compounds Inc. (CA) (OR)

Lemac Manufacturing Co. Inc. (WA) (WA)

Logam Online (WA) (WA)

Industrial Plastic Supply, Inc. (CA)

ACI Plastics (MO) (MO)

Advanced Gasket & Supply, Inc. (TX) (MN)

Adams Plastics (IL) (IL)

Adapt Plastics®, Inc. (IL) (IL)

Teknologi Fabrikasi Lanjutan (MI) (MI)

Aetna Plastics Corporation (OH) (OH)

Akron Porcelain & Plastics Company (OH) (OH)

Alro Plastics (MI) (MI)

American Acrylics Inc. (IL) (IL)

Applied Plastics Inc. (WI) (WI)

Armor Plastics LLC (IN) (IN)

Atlas Fiber Company (IL) (IL)

Aubright (MN) (MN)

Auburn Plastics & Rubber (IN) (IN)

Aurora Technologies, Inc. (MO) (MO)

Boltaron Performance Products, LLC (OH) (OH)

Conwed Global Netting Solutions/ SWM (MN) (MN)

Cope Plastik, Inc. (IL) (IL)

Crown Plastik, Inc. (MN) (MN)

Kemasan Poly Kustom (dalam) (IN)

Diversi-Plast® Products Inc. (MN) (MN)

Elastomer Engineering Incorporated (IA) (IA)

Espe Manufacturing Company, Inc. (IL) (IL)

Ferro Corporation (OH) (OH)

Fibertech, Inc. (IN) (IN)

Gar Plastik, Inc. (WI) (WI)

Karet Umum & Plastik (dalam) (IN)

GRAFIX® Plastics (OH) (OH)

Highland Plastics Inc. (MI) (MI)

HP Manufacturing (OH) (OH)

Indelco Plastics Corporation (MN) (MN)

Johnson Plastics & Supply (IN) (IN)

K-Mac Plastics (MI) (MI)

Konrady Plastics, Inc. (IN) (IN)

Lerner Cetakan Plastik (OH) (OH)

McDunnough, Inc. (MI) (MI)


Meyer Plastics, Inc. (IN) (IN)

MH Containers and Equipment Company Inc. (OH) (OH)

National Plastek, Inc. (MI) (MI)

National Plastics and Seals, Inc. (IL) (IL)

Perusahaan Manufaktur Plastik Gambar Baru (OH) (OH)

New Tech Plastics, Inc. (OH) (OH)

Nike Ihm, Inc. (MO) (MO)

North American Seal & Supply, Inc. (OH) (OH)

Novolex (OH) (OH)

Plaskolite, Inc. (OH) (OH)

Plastik Film Corporation of America (IL) (IL)

Plastics International (MN) (MN)

Plastik Unlimited (IA) (IA)

Poly Pak Plastics (MN) (MN)

Polytec Plastics, Inc. (IL) (IL)

Precision Punch & Plastics (MN) (MN)

Premier Plastic Resin, Inc. (MI) (MI)

Raven Industries, Inc. (SD) (SD)

Regal Plastic Supply Company (MO) (MO)

Sekisui Kydex (MI) (MI)

Shadow Plastics, Inc. (WI) (WI)

Tahoma Rubber & Plastik, Inc. (OH) (OH)

Total Plastik, Inc. (MI) (MI)

Walton Plastics (OH) (OH)

WS Hampshire Inc. (IL) (IL)


ACI Plastics (MO) (MO)

Adams Plastics (IL) (IL)

Adapt Plastics®, Inc. (IL) (IL)

Teknologi Fabrikasi Lanjutan (MI) (MI)

Aetna Plastics Corporation (OH) (OH)

Akron Porcelain & Plastics Company (OH) (OH)

Alro Plastics (MI) (MI)

American Acrylics Inc. (IL) (IL)

Armor Plastics LLC (IN) (IN)

Atlas Fiber Company (IL) (IL)

Auburn Plastics & Rubber (IN) (IN)

Aurora Technologies, Inc. (MO) (MO)

Boltaron Performance Products, LLC (OH) (OH)

Cope Plastik, Inc. (IL) (IL)

Crown Plastik, Inc. (MN) (IL)

Kemasan Poly Kustom (dalam) (IN)

Espe Manufacturing Company, Inc. (IL) (IL)

Ferro Corporation (OH) (OH)

Fibertech, Inc. (IN) (IN)

Gar Plastik, Inc. (WI) (WI)

Karet Umum & Plastik (dalam) (IN)

GRAFIX® Plastics (OH) (OH)

Highland Plastics Inc. (MI) (MI)

HP Manufacturing (OH) (OH)

Johnson Plastics & Supply (IN) (IN)

K-Mac Plastics (MI) (MI)

Konrady Plastics, Inc. (IN) (IN)

Lerner Cetakan Plastik (OH) (OH)

McDunnough, Inc. (MI) (MI)

Meyer Plastics, Inc. (IN) (IN)

MH Containers and Equipment Company Inc. (OH) (OH)

National Plastek, Inc. (MI) (MI)

National Plastics and Seals, Inc. (IL) (IL)

Perusahaan Manufaktur Plastik Gambar Baru (OH) (OH)

New Tech Plastics, Inc. (OH) (OH)

Nike Ihm, Inc. (MO) (MO)

North American Seal & Supply, Inc. (OH) (OH)

Novolex (OH) (OH)

Plaskolite, Inc. (OH) (OH)

Plastik Film Corporation of America (IL) (IL)

Polytec Plastics, Inc. (IL) (IL)

Premier Plastic Resin, Inc. (MI) (MI)

Regal Plastic Supply Company (MO) (MO)

Sekisui Kydex (MI) (MI)

Shadow Plastics, Inc. (WI) (WI)

Tahoma Rubber & Plastik, Inc. (OH) (OH)

Total Plastik, Inc. (MI) (MI)

Walton Plastics (OH) (OH)

WS Hampshire Inc. (IL) (IL)


ACI Plastics (MO) (MO)

CS Hyde Company (IL) (MN)

Adams Plastics (IL) (IL)

Adapt Plastics®, Inc. (IL) (IL)

American Acrylics Inc. (IL) (IL)

Iowa (NE)

Applied Plastics Inc. (WI) (WI)

Armor Plastics LLC (IN) (IN)

Atlas Fiber Company (IL) (IL)

Aubright (MN) (MN)

Aurora Technologies, Inc. (MO) (MO)

Conwed Global Netting Solutions/ SWM (MN) (MN)

Cope Plastik, Inc. (IL) (IL)

Crown Plastik, Inc. (MN) (MN)

Crown Plastik, Inc. (MN) (IL)

Diversi-Plast® Products Inc. (MN) (MN)

Elastomer Engineering Incorporated (IA) (IA)

Espe Manufacturing Company, Inc. (IL) (IL)

Gar Plastik, Inc. (WI) (WI)

Indelco Plastics Corporation (MN) (MN)


National Plastics and Seals, Inc. (IL) (IL)

Nike Ihm, Inc. (MO) (MO)

Plastik Film Corporation of America (IL) (IL)

Plastics International (MN) (MN)

Plastik Unlimited (IA) (IA)

Poly Pak Plastics (MN) (MN)

Polytec Plastics, Inc. (IL) (IL)

Precision Punch & Plastics (MN) (MN)

Raven Industries, Inc. (SD) (SD)

Regal Plastic Supply Company (MO) (MO)

Shadow Plastics, Inc. (WI) (WI)

Tahoma Rubber & Plastik, Inc. (OH) (CO)

WS Hampshire Inc. (IL) (IL)


ACI Plastics (MO) (MO)

CS Hyde Company (IL) (TX)

Iowa (NE)

Applied Plastics Inc. (WI) (WI)

Aurora Technologies, Inc. (MO) (MO)

Acrylic Design Associates (MN) (TX)

American Plastics Supply & Fabrication Co. (NE) (TX)

Elastomer Engineering Incorporated (IA) (IA)

Espe Manufacturing Company, Inc. (IL) (TX)

Ferro Corporation (OH) (TX)

Nike Ihm, Inc. (MO) (MO)

North American Seal & Supply, Inc. (OH) (TX)

Novolex (OH) (TX)

Plaskolite, Inc. (OH) (OK)

Plastik Unlimited (IA) (IA)

Regal Plastic Supply Company (MO) (MO)

Sekisui Kydex (MI) (CA)

Tahoma Rubber & Plastik, Inc. (OH) (CO)

Total Plastik, Inc. (MI)

ACI Plastics (MO) (MO)

Adams Plastics (IL) (IL)

Adapt Plastics®, Inc. (IL) (IL)

Aetna Plastics Corporation (OH) (OH)

Akron Porcelain & Plastics Company (OH) (OH)

American Acrylics Inc. (IL) (IL)

Armor Plastics LLC (IN) (IN)

Atlas Fiber Company (IL) (IL)

Auburn Plastics & Rubber (IN) (IN)

Aurora Technologies, Inc. (MO) (MO)

Blueridge Films, Inc. (VA) (VA)

Boltaron Performance Products, LLC (OH) (OH)

Cope Plastik, Inc. (IL) (IL)

CS Hyde Company (IL) (IL)

Kemasan Poly Kustom (dalam) (IN)

Diversified Plastics & Packaging, Inc. (SC) (SC)

Espe Manufacturing Company, Inc. (IL) (IL)

Ferro Corporation (OH) (OH)

Fibertech, Inc. (IN) (IN)

GE Polymershapes/General Electric Company (NC) (NC)

Karet Umum & Plastik (dalam) (IN)

GRAFIX® Plastics (OH) (OH)

HP Manufacturing (OH) (OH)

International Plastics, Inc. (SC) (SC)

Johnson Plastics & Supply (IN) (IN)

Perusahaan Kleerdex (SC) (SC)

Konrady Plastics, Inc. (IN) (IN)

Lerner Cetakan Plastik (OH) (OH)

Meyer Plastics, Inc. (IN) (IN)

National Plastics and Seals, Inc. (IL) (IL)

Perusahaan Manufaktur Plastik Gambar Baru (OH) (OH)

New Tech Plastics, Inc. (OH) (OH)

Nike Ihm, Inc. (MO) (MO)

North American Seal & Supply, Inc. (OH) (OH)

Norva Plastics, Inc. (VA) (VA)

Novolex (OH) (OH)

Pacrim, Inc. (NC) (NC)

Piedmont Plastics (NC) (NC)

Plaskolite, Inc. (OH) (OH)

Plastik Film Corporation of America (IL) (IL)

Plastik Produk, Inc. (NC) (NC)

Polytec Plastics, Inc. (IL) (IL)

Regal Plastic Supply Company (MO) (MO)

Tahoma Rubber & Plastik, Inc. (OH) (OH)

Triad Plastic Supply, Inc. (NC) (NC)

WS Hampshire Inc. (IL) (IL)


Advanced Gasket & Supply, Inc. (TX) (TX)

Baker Plastics, Inc./Baker Glass Co. (TX) (TX)

Boedeker Plastics, Inc. (TX) (TX)

Kemasan Fleksibel (TX) (TX)

Nationwide Plastics, Inc. (TX) (TX)

Plastik Amerika Utara (TX) (TX)

Plastik Factory, Inc. (TX) (TX)

Plastik Supply & Fabrikasi, Inc. (OK) (OK)

San Diego Plastics, Inc. (CA) (CA)


American Polyfilm, Inc. (CT) (CT)

H. Muehlstein & Company, Inc. (CT) (CT)

Modern Plastics, Inc. (CT) (CT)

Omniflex (MA) (MA)

Oxford Polymers (CT) (CT)


Acrylic Design Associates (MN) (MN)

Aubright (MN) (MN)

Conwed Global Netting Solutions/ SWM (MN) (MN)

Crown Plastik, Inc. (MN) (MN)

Diversi-Plast® Products Inc. (MN) (MN)

Indelco Plastics Corporation (MN) (MN)


Plastics International (MN) (MN)

Poly Pak Plastics (MN) (MN)

Precision Punch & Plastics (MN) (MN)

Raven Industries, Inc. (SD) (SD)


Aetna Plastics Corporation (OH) (OH)

Akron Porcelain & Plastics Company (OH) (OH)

American Polyfilm, Inc. (CT) (CT)

Blueridge Films, Inc. (VA) (VA)

Boltaron Performance Products, LLC (OH) (OH)

Ferro Corporation (OH) (OH)

GE Polymershapes/General Electric Company (NC) (NC)

Karet Umum & Plastik (dalam) (MD)

GRAFIX® Plastics (OH) (OH)

H. Muehlstein & Company, Inc. (CT) (CT)

HP Manufacturing (OH) (OH)

International Plastics, Inc. (SC) (SC)

Lerner Cetakan Plastik (OH) (OH)

Modern Plastics, Inc. (CT) (CT)

Perusahaan Manufaktur Plastik Gambar Baru (OH) (OH)

New Tech Plastics, Inc. (OH) (OH)

North American Seal & Supply, Inc. (OH) (OH)

Norva Plastics, Inc. (VA) (VA)

Novolex (OH) (OH)

Omniflex (MA) (MA)

Oxford Polymers (CT) (CT)

Pacrim, Inc. (NC) (NC)

Piedmont Plastics (NC) (NC)

Plaskolite, Inc. (OH) (OH)

Plastik Produk, Inc. (NC) (NC)

Tahoma Rubber & Plastik, Inc. (OH) (OH)

Triad Plastic Supply, Inc. (NC) (NC)

WS Hampshire Inc. (IL)

American Polyfilm, Inc. (CT) (CT)

H. Muehlstein & Company, Inc. (CT) (MA)

H. Muehlstein & Company, Inc. (CT) (CT)

Modern Plastics, Inc. (CT) (CT)

Omniflex (MA) (MA)

Oxford Polymers (CT) (CT)

Manitoba (MA)

Acrylic Design Associates (MN)

Aubright (MN) (IL)

Conwed Global Netting Solutions/ SWM (MN) (IL)

Crown Plastik, Inc. (MN) (MI)

Aetna Plastics Corporation (OH) (OH)

Akron Porcelain & Plastics Company (OH) (OH)

Diversi-Plast® Products Inc. (MN) (MI)

American Acrylics Inc. (IL) (IL)

Armor Plastics LLC (IN) (IN)

Atlas Fiber Company (IL) (IL)

Auburn Plastics & Rubber (IN) (IN)

Boltaron Performance Products, LLC (OH) (OH)

Cope Plastik, Inc. (IL) (IL)

CS Hyde Company (IL) (IL)

Kemasan Poly Kustom (dalam) (IN)

Espe Manufacturing Company, Inc. (IL) (IL)

Ferro Corporation (OH) (OH)

Fibertech, Inc. (IN) (IN)

GE Polymershapes/General Electric Company (NC) (WI)

Karet Umum & Plastik (dalam) (IN)

GRAFIX® Plastics (OH) (OH)

HP Manufacturing (OH) (MI)

HP Manufacturing (OH) (OH)

Johnson Plastics & Supply (IN) (IN)

Perusahaan Kleerdex (SC) (MI)

Konrady Plastics, Inc. (IN) (ON)

Konrady Plastics, Inc. (IN) (IN)

Lerner Cetakan Plastik (OH) (OH)

Meyer Plastics, Inc. (IN) (MI)

Meyer Plastics, Inc. (IN) (IN)

National Plastics and Seals, Inc. (IL) (OH)

Perusahaan Manufaktur Plastik Gambar Baru (OH) (MI)

National Plastics and Seals, Inc. (IL) (IL)

Perusahaan Manufaktur Plastik Gambar Baru (OH) (OH)

New Tech Plastics, Inc. (OH) (OH)

North American Seal & Supply, Inc. (OH) (OH)

Novolex (OH) (OH)

Plaskolite, Inc. (OH) (OH)

Plastik Film Corporation of America (IL) (IL)

Polytec Plastics, Inc. (IL) (IL)

Regal Plastic Supply Company (MO) (MI)

Tahoma Rubber & Plastik, Inc. (OH) (MI)

Triad Plastic Supply, Inc. (NC) (WI)

Tahoma Rubber & Plastik, Inc. (OH) (OH)

Triad Plastic Supply, Inc. (NC) (MI)

WS Hampshire Inc. (IL) (OH)

WS Hampshire Inc. (IL) (IL)


Acrylic Design Associates (MN) (MN)

Aubright (MN) (NE)

Conwed Global Netting Solutions/ SWM (MN) (WI)

Aubright (MN) (MN)

Conwed Global Netting Solutions/ SWM (MN) (MN)

Crown Plastik, Inc. (MN) (MN)

Diversi-Plast® Products Inc. (MN) (MN)

Indelco Plastics Corporation (MN) (IA)

GE Polymershapes/General Electric Company (NC) (WI)

Indelco Plastics Corporation (MN) (MN)

Konrady Plastics, Inc. (IN) (ON)


Plastics International (MN) (MN)

Poly Pak Plastics (MN) (IA)

Poly Pak Plastics (MN) (MN)

Precision Punch & Plastics (MN) (MN)

Raven Industries, Inc. (SD) (SD)

Shadow Plastics, Inc. (WI) (WI)

Udy Corp. (CO) (CO)


Advanced Gasket & Supply, Inc. (TX) (TX)

Semua Plastik dan Fiberglass, Inc. (AL) (AL)

Baker Plastics, Inc./Baker Glass Co. (TX) (TX)

Boedeker Plastics, Inc. (TX) (TX)

Kemasan Fleksibel (TX) (TX)

ISOFLEX Packaging (FL) (FL)

Laird Plastics, Inc. (FL) (FL)

Multi-Pak USA, Inc. (GA) (GA)

Nationwide Plastics, Inc. (TX) (TX)

Plastik Amerika Utara (TX) (TX)

Plastik Factory, Inc. (TX) (TX)

Plastik Supply & Fabrikasi, Inc. (OK) (OK)

Industri Polimer (AL) (AL)

Porex Corporation (GA) (GA)

San Diego Plastics, Inc. (CA) (CA)


ACI Plastics (MO) (MO)

Adams Plastics (IL) (IL)

Adapt Plastics®, Inc. (IL) (IL)

American Acrylics Inc. (IL) (IL)

American Plastics Supply & Fabrication Co. (NE) (NE)

Armor Plastics LLC (IN) (IN)

Atlas Fiber Company (IL) (IL)

Aurora Technologies, Inc. (MO) (MO)

Cope Plastik, Inc. (IL) (IL)

CS Hyde Company (IL) (IL)

Espe Manufacturing Company, Inc. (IL) (IL)

Gar Plastik, Inc. (WI) (WI)

National Plastics and Seals, Inc. (IL) (IL)

Nike Ihm, Inc. (MO) (MO)

Plastik Film Corporation of America (IL) (IL)

Plastik Supply & Fabrikasi, Inc. (OK) (OK)

Industri Polimer (AL) (IL)

Porex Corporation (GA) (MO)

Shadow Plastics, Inc. (WI) (WI)

Udy Corp. (CO) (CO)

Mississippi (IL)

Advanced Gasket & Supply, Inc. (TX)

Semua Plastik dan Fiberglass, Inc. (AL) (WA)

Baker Plastics, Inc./Baker Glass Co. (TX) (WA)

Boedeker Plastics, Inc. (TX) (WA)

Kemasan Fleksibel (TX)

ACI Plastics (MO) (MO)

Adams Plastics (IL) (MN)

American Plastics Supply & Fabrication Co. (NE) (NE)

Armor Plastics LLC (IN) (WI)

Atlas Fiber Company (IL) (MN)

Aurora Technologies, Inc. (MO) (MO)

Cope Plastik, Inc. (IL) (MN)

CS Hyde Company (IL) (MN)

Espe Manufacturing Company, Inc. (IL) (MN)

Gar Plastik, Inc. (WI) (IA)

National Plastics and Seals, Inc. (IL) (MN)

Nike Ihm, Inc. (MO) (MN)

Nike Ihm, Inc. (MO) (MO)

Plastik Film Corporation of America (IL) (MN)

Polytec Plastics, Inc. (IL) (IA)

Poly Pak Plastics (MN) (MN)

Precision Punch & Plastics (MN) (MN)

Raven Industries, Inc. (SD) (SD)

Porex Corporation (GA) (MO)

Udy Corp. (CO) (CO)

San Diego Plastics, Inc. (CA)

Semua Plastik dan Fiberglass, Inc. (AL) (WA)

Baker Plastics, Inc./Baker Glass Co. (TX) (CA)

Boedeker Plastics, Inc. (TX) (CA)

Kemasan Fleksibel (TX) (CA)

ISOFLEX Packaging (FL) (CA)

Laird Plastics, Inc. (FL) (CA)

Multi-Pak USA, Inc. (GA) (OR)

Nationwide Plastics, Inc. (TX) (CA)

Plastik Amerika Utara (TX) (CA)

Plastik Factory, Inc. (TX) (CA)

Baker Plastics, Inc./Baker Glass Co. (TX) (WA)

Boedeker Plastics, Inc. (TX) (CA)

Boedeker Plastics, Inc. (TX) (WA)

Kemasan Fleksibel (TX) (CA)

ISOFLEX Packaging (FL) (CA)

Laird Plastics, Inc. (FL) (WA)

Multi-Pak USA, Inc. (GA) (CA)

Nationwide Plastics, Inc. (TX) (CA)

Plastik Amerika Utara (TX) (CA)

Plastik Factory, Inc. (TX) (CA)

Plastik Supply & Fabrikasi, Inc. (OK) (CA)

Industri Polimer (AL)

Porex Corporation (GA) (NY)

San Diego Plastics, Inc. (CA) (NJ)

Missouri (NJ)

ACI Plastics (MO) (CT)

Adams Plastics (IL) (MA)

Adapt Plastics®, Inc. (IL) (PA)

American Acrylics Inc. (IL) (NY)

American Plastics Supply & Fabrication Co. (NE) (NH)

Armor Plastics LLC (IN) (NY)

Atlas Fiber Company (IL) (NJ)

Aurora Technologies, Inc. (MO) (NY)

Cope Plastik, Inc. (IL) (NJ)

CS Hyde Company (IL) (PA)

Espe Manufacturing Company, Inc. (IL) (NJ)

Gar Plastik, Inc. (WI) (NJ)

National Plastics and Seals, Inc. (IL) (PA)

Nike Ihm, Inc. (MO) (PA)

Plastik Film Corporation of America (IL) (NJ)

Polytec Plastics, Inc. (IL) (DE)

Regal Plastic Supply Company (MO) (MD)

WS Hampshire Inc. (IL) (NY)

Montana (CT)

Achilles USA, Inc. (WA) (NY)

Lemac Manufacturing Co. Inc. (WA) (NY)

Logam Online (WA) (CT)

Nebraska (NY)

Acrylic Design Associates (MN) (DE)

Applied Plastics Inc. (WI) (PA)

Aubright (MN) (MA)

Conwed Global Netting Solutions/ SWM (MN) (CT)

Crown Plastik, Inc. (MN) (PA)

Diversi-Plast® Products Inc. (MN) (PA)

Elastomer Engineering Incorporated (IA) (NJ)

Indelco Plastics Corporation (MN) (NJ)


Plastics International (MN) (NY)

Plastik Unlimited (IA) (MA)

Nevada (PA)

Acorn Paper Products Company (CA) (NJ)

Calsak Plastics (CA) (PA)

Containers Unlimited, Inc. (CA) (PA)

Continental Western Corporation (CA)

ACI Plastics (MO) (CT)

American Plastics Supply & Fabrication Co. (NE) (NH)

Montana (CT)

Logam Online (WA) (CT)

Aubright (MN) (MA)

Conwed Global Netting Solutions/ SWM (MN) (CT)


Plastics International (MN)

San Diego Plastics, Inc. (CA) (NJ)

Missouri (NJ)

ACI Plastics (MO) (CT)

Adams Plastics (IL) (VA)

Atlas Fiber Company (IL) (NJ)

Cope Plastik, Inc. (IL) (NJ)

Espe Manufacturing Company, Inc. (IL) (NJ)

Gar Plastik, Inc. (WI) (NJ)

Plastik Film Corporation of America (IL) (NJ)

Montana (CT)

Logam Online (WA) (CT)

Nebraska (VA)

Aubright (MN) (MA)

Conwed Global Netting Solutions/ SWM (MN) (CT)

Elastomer Engineering Incorporated (IA) (NJ)

Indelco Plastics Corporation (MN) (NJ)

Acorn Paper Products Company (CA) (NJ)

Calsak Plastics (CA)

Advanced Gasket & Supply, Inc. (TX) (TX)

Baker Plastics, Inc./Baker Glass Co. (TX) (TX)

Boedeker Plastics, Inc. (TX) (TX)

Kemasan Fleksibel (TX) (TX)

Nationwide Plastics, Inc. (TX) (TX)

Plastik Amerika Utara (TX) (TX)

Plastik Factory, Inc. (TX) (TX)

Plastik Supply & Fabrikasi, Inc. (OK) (OK)

San Diego Plastics, Inc. (CA) (CA)


Porex Corporation (GA) (NY)

American Polyfilm, Inc. (CT) (CT)

Blueridge Films, Inc. (VA) (VA)

Curbell Plastics, Inc. (NY) (NY)

Produk Industri Diversifikasi (NY) (NY)

EMDA, Inc. (NY) (NY)

Great Lakes Plastic Company, Inc. (NY) (NY)

H. Muehlstein & Company, Inc. (CT) (CT)

Howard J. Moore Co. (NY) (NY)

Linersandcovers.com (NY) (NY)

Modern Plastics, Inc. (CT) (CT)

Morco Plastic Fabricators (NY) (NY)

Norva Plastics, Inc. (VA) (VA)

Omniflex (MA) (MA)

Oxford Polymers (CT) (CT)

Plastik-Craft® Products, Inc. (NY) (NY)

Karolina utara

Blueridge Films, Inc. (VA) (VA)

Diversified Plastics & Packaging, Inc. (SC) (SC)

Franklin Fibre-Lamitex Corporation (DE) (DE)

GE Polymershapes/General Electric Company (NC) (NC)

Goodwrappers® (MD) (MD)

International Plastics, Inc. (SC) (SC)

Perusahaan Kleerdex (SC) (SC)

Multi-Pak USA, Inc. (GA) (GA)

New Process Fiber, Inc. (DE) (DE)

Norva Plastics, Inc. (VA) (VA)

Omniflex (MA) (OH)

Oxford Polymers (CT) (NC)

Plastik-Craft® Products, Inc. (NY) (NC)

Karolina utara (NC)

Diversified Plastics & Packaging, Inc. (SC) (AL)

Franklin Fibre-Lamitex Corporation (DE) (GA)

GE Polymershapes/General Electric Company (NC) (NC)

Goodwrappers® (MD)

International Plastics, Inc. (SC) (MN)

Perusahaan Kleerdex (SC) (NE)

Multi-Pak USA, Inc. (GA) (MN)

New Process Fiber, Inc. (DE) (MN)

Novolex (OH) (MN)

Pacrim, Inc. (NC) (MN)

Piedmont Plastics (NC) (MN)

Plastik Produk, Inc. (NC) (MN)

Industri Polimer (AL) (MN)

Porex Corporation (GA) (MN)

Triad Plastic Supply, Inc. (NC) (MN)

Dakota Utara (SD)

Acrylic Design Associates (MN) (CO)

American Plastics Supply & Fabrication Co. (NE)

Aubright (MN) (NY)

Conwed Global Netting Solutions/ SWM (MN) (NJ)

Crown Plastik, Inc. (MN) (NJ)

American Polyfilm, Inc. (CT) (CT)

Diversi-Plast® Products Inc. (MN) (MA)

Indelco Plastics Corporation (MN) (PA)

Curbell Plastics, Inc. (NY) (NY)


Produk Industri Diversifikasi (NY) (NY)

Plastics International (MN) (NJ)

EMDA, Inc. (NY) (NY)

Poly Pak Plastics (MN) (NJ)

Precision Punch & Plastics (MN) (PA)

Raven Industries, Inc. (SD) (NJ)

Udy Corp. (CO) (NJ)

Nova Scotia (PA)

Akurat Plastik, Inc. (NY) (PA)

Acme Plastics, Inc. (NJ) (NJ)

Franklin Fibre-Lamitex Corporation (DE) (DE)

Goodwrappers® (MD) (MD)

Great Lakes Plastic Company, Inc. (NY) (NY)

H. Muehlstein & Company, Inc. (CT) (CT)

Howard J. Moore Co. (NY) (NY)

Linersandcovers.com (NY) (NY)

Modern Plastics, Inc. (CT) (CT)

Morco Plastic Fabricators (NY) (NY)

New Process Fiber, Inc. (DE) (DE)

Novolex (OH) (PA)

Omniflex (MA) (MA)

Oxford Polymers (CT) (CT)

Plastik-Craft® Products, Inc. (NY) (PA)

Karolina utara (PA)

Diversified Plastics & Packaging, Inc. (SC) (NJ)

Franklin Fibre-Lamitex Corporation (DE) (NJ)

GE Polymershapes/General Electric Company (NC) (NH)

Plastik-Craft® Products, Inc. (NY) (NY)

Karolina utara (MA)

Diversified Plastics & Packaging, Inc. (SC) (PA)

Franklin Fibre-Lamitex Corporation (DE) (NJ)

GE Polymershapes/General Electric Company (NC) (PA)

Goodwrappers® (MD) (PA)

International Plastics, Inc. (SC)

Aubright (MN) (NY)

Conwed Global Netting Solutions/ SWM (MN) (MI)

Crown Plastik, Inc. (MN) (OH)

Diversi-Plast® Products Inc. (MN) (OH)

Indelco Plastics Corporation (MN) (MI)


Blueridge Films, Inc. (VA) (VA)

Plastics International (MN) (OH)

Indelco Plastics Corporation (MN) (PA)

Curbell Plastics, Inc. (NY) (NY)


Produk Industri Diversifikasi (NY) (NY)

EMDA, Inc. (NY) (NY)

Precision Punch & Plastics (MN) (PA)

Nova Scotia (PA)

Akurat Plastik, Inc. (NY) (OH)

Acme Plastics, Inc. (NJ) (IN)

Akurat Plastik, Inc. (NY) (PA)

Franklin Fibre-Lamitex Corporation (DE) (DE)

GE Polymershapes/General Electric Company (NC) (IN)

Goodwrappers® (MD) (MD)

International Plastics, Inc. (SC) (OH)

Great Lakes Plastic Company, Inc. (NY) (NY)

Perusahaan Kleerdex (SC) (MI)

Howard J. Moore Co. (NY) (NY)

Multi-Pak USA, Inc. (GA) (OH)

New Process Fiber, Inc. (DE) (IN)

Novolex (OH) (MI)

Pacrim, Inc. (NC) (ON)

Piedmont Plastics (NC) (IN)

Plastik Produk, Inc. (NC) (OH)

Linersandcovers.com (NY) (NY)

Industri Polimer (AL) (MI)

Porex Corporation (GA) (IN)

Triad Plastic Supply, Inc. (NC) (OH)

Morco Plastic Fabricators (NY) (NY)

Dakota Utara (MI)

Acrylic Design Associates (MN) (OH)

New Process Fiber, Inc. (DE) (DE)

Novolex (OH) (OH)

Pacrim, Inc. (NC) (OH)

Novolex (OH) (PA)

Norva Plastics, Inc. (VA) (VA)

Omniflex (MA) (OH)

Plastik-Craft® Products, Inc. (NY) (PA)

Karolina utara (PA)

Diversified Plastics & Packaging, Inc. (SC) (OH)

Plastik-Craft® Products, Inc. (NY) (NY)

Karolina utara (MI)

Diversified Plastics & Packaging, Inc. (SC) (PA)

Franklin Fibre-Lamitex Corporation (DE) (MI)

GE Polymershapes/General Electric Company (NC) (OH)

GE Polymershapes/General Electric Company (NC) (PA)

Goodwrappers® (MD) (MI)

International Plastics, Inc. (SC) (OH)

Goodwrappers® (MD) (PA)

International Plastics, Inc. (SC)

Perusahaan Kleerdex (SC) (MO)

Multi-Pak USA, Inc. (GA) (TX)

New Process Fiber, Inc. (DE) (MO)

Novolex (OH) (TX)

Pacrim, Inc. (NC) (TX)

Piedmont Plastics (NC) (TX)

Plastik Produk, Inc. (NC) (TX)

Industri Polimer (AL) (MO)

Porex Corporation (GA) (TX)

Triad Plastic Supply, Inc. (NC) (TX)

Dakota Utara (OK)

Acrylic Design Associates (MN) (MO)

American Plastics Supply & Fabrication Co. (NE) (CA)

Aubright (MN)

International Plastics, Inc. (SC) (MN)

Conwed Global Netting Solutions/ SWM (MN) (MI)

Crown Plastik, Inc. (MN) (OH)

Diversi-Plast® Products Inc. (MN) (OH)

Indelco Plastics Corporation (MN) (MI)

Multi-Pak USA, Inc. (GA) (MN)

Boltaron Performance Products, LLC (OH) (OH)

Conwed Global Netting Solutions/ SWM (MN) (MN)

Crown Plastik, Inc. (MN) (MN)

Diversi-Plast® Products Inc. (MN) (MN)

Ferro Corporation (OH) (OH)

Gar Plastik, Inc. (WI) (WI)

GRAFIX® Plastics (OH) (OH)

Highland Plastics Inc. (MI) (MI)

HP Manufacturing (OH) (OH)

Indelco Plastics Corporation (MN) (MN)

K-Mac Plastics (MI) (MI)

Kal-polimer (aktif) (ON)

Lerner Cetakan Plastik (OH) (OH)

McDunnough, Inc. (MI) (MI)


MH Containers and Equipment Company Inc. (OH) (OH)

National Plastek, Inc. (MI) (MI)

Perusahaan Manufaktur Plastik Gambar Baru (OH) (OH)

New Tech Plastics, Inc. (OH) (OH)

North American Seal & Supply, Inc. (OH) (OH)

Novolex (OH) (OH)

Plaskolite, Inc. (OH) (OH)

Plastics International (MN) (MN)

Poly Pak Plastics (MN) (MN)

Precision Punch & Plastics (MN) (MN)

Premier Plastic Resin, Inc. (MI) (MI)

Raven Industries, Inc. (SD) (SD)

Sekisui Kydex (MI) (MI)

Shadow Plastics, Inc. (WI) (WI)

Tahoma Rubber & Plastik, Inc. (OH) (OH)

Total Plastik, Inc. (MI) (MI)

Walton Plastics (OH) (OH)


Achilles USA, Inc. (WA) (WA)

Acorn Paper Products Company (CA) (CA)

Calsak Plastics (CA) (CA)

Containers Unlimited, Inc. (CA) (CA)

Continental Western Corporation (CA) (CA)

Elastics, Perusahaan Plastik Ridout (CA) (CA)

Freelin-Wade Co. (OR) (OR)

Hoffman Plastic Compounds Inc. (CA) (CA)

Industrial Plastic Supply, Inc. (CA) (CA)

Plastik Interstate (CA) (CA)

Lemac Manufacturing Co. Inc. (WA) (WA)

Tn. Plastik (CA) (CA)

Logam Online (WA) (WA)

Orange County Industrial Plastics (CA) (CA)

Depot plastik (CA) (CA)

Plastik Supply, Inc. (WA) (WA)

Plastifab, Inc. (CA) (CA)

Polymer Plastics Corporation (CA) (CA)

Plastik Profesional (CA) (CA)

S&W Plastik (CA) (CA)

Vanderveer Industrial Plastics, Inc. (CA) (CA)


Aetna Plastics Corporation (OH) (OH)

Akron Porcelain & Plastics Company (OH) (OH)

American Polyfilm, Inc. (CT) (CT)

Blueridge Films, Inc. (VA) (VA)

Boltaron Performance Products, LLC (OH) (OH)

C-LEC Plastics, Inc. (PA) (PA)

Ensinger/Pennfibre (PA) (PA)

Woll & Company (PA) (PA)

Ferro Corporation (OH) (OH)

Fluoro-Plastics®, Inc. (PA) (PA)

GRAFIX® Plastics (OH) (OH)

Highland Plastics Inc. (MI) (CT)

HP Manufacturing (OH) (OH)

Lerner Cetakan Plastik (OH) (OH)

McDunnough, Inc. (MI) (CT)

Perusahaan Manufaktur Plastik Gambar Baru (OH) (OH)

New Tech Plastics, Inc. (OH) (OH)

North American Seal & Supply, Inc. (OH) (OH)

Novolex (OH) (PA)

Plaskolite, Inc. (OH) (VA)

Novolex (OH) (OH)

Plaskolite, Inc. (OH) (MA)

Plastics International (MN) (CT)

Poly Pak Plastics (MN) (PA)

Precision Punch & Plastics (MN) (PA)

Plaskolite, Inc. (OH) (OH)

Plastics International (MN) (PA)

Tahoma Rubber & Plastik, Inc. (OH) (OH)

Total Plastik, Inc. (MI) (PA)

Walton Plastics (OH) (PA)


Achilles USA, Inc. (WA) (NY)

Acorn Paper Products Company (CA) (NJ)

Calsak Plastics (CA) (NJ)

American Polyfilm, Inc. (CT) (CT)

Blueridge Films, Inc. (VA) (MA)

C-LEC Plastics, Inc. (PA) (PA)

Ensinger/Pennfibre (PA) (NY)

Woll & Company (PA) (NH)

Fluoro-Plastics®, Inc. (PA) (NY)

H. Muehlstein & Company, Inc. (CT) (NJ)

Modern Plastics, Inc. (CT) (NY)

Northeast Plastic Supply Co., Inc. (PA) (NJ)

Ensinger/Pennfibre (PA) (PA)

Woll & Company (PA) (NJ)

Fluoro-Plastics®, Inc. (PA) (NJ)

Woll & Company (PA) (PA)

Fluoro-Plastics®, Inc. (PA) (PA)

H. Muehlstein & Company, Inc. (CT) (NJ)

Modern Plastics, Inc. (CT) (DE)

Northeast Plastic Supply Co., Inc. (PA) (MD)

Norva Plastics, Inc. (VA) (NY)

Highland Plastics Inc. (MI) (CT)

HP Manufacturing (OH) (NY)

Kal-polimer (aktif) (ON)

Lerner Cetakan Plastik (OH) (NY)

McDunnough, Inc. (MI) (CT)


MH Containers and Equipment Company Inc. (OH) (DE)

Novolex (OH) (PA)

Plaskolite, Inc. (OH) (MA)

Plastics International (MN) (CT)

Poly Pak Plastics (MN) (PA)

Precision Punch & Plastics (MN) (PA)

Premier Plastic Resin, Inc. (MI) (NJ)

Raven Industries, Inc. (SD) (NJ)

Sekisui Kydex (MI) (NH)

Shadow Plastics, Inc. (WI) (NY)

Tahoma Rubber & Plastik, Inc. (OH) (MA)

Plastics International (MN) (PA)

Poly Pak Plastics (MN) (NJ)

Total Plastik, Inc. (MI) (PA)

Walton Plastics (OH) (PA)


American Polyfilm, Inc. (CT) (CT)

Highland Plastics Inc. (MI) (CT)

McDunnough, Inc. (MI) (CT)

Plaskolite, Inc. (OH) (MA)

Plastics International (MN) (CT)

Poly Pak Plastics (MN)

Precision Punch & Plastics (MN) (MN)

Premier Plastic Resin, Inc. (MI) (MN)

Conwed Global Netting Solutions/ SWM (MN) (MN)

Crown Plastik, Inc. (MN) (MN)

Diversi-Plast® Products Inc. (MN) (MN)

Indelco Plastics Corporation (MN) (MN)


Plastics International (MN) (MN)

Poly Pak Plastics (MN) (MN)

Precision Punch & Plastics (MN) (MN)

Raven Industries, Inc. (SD) (SD)

Sekisui Kydex (MI)

Blueridge Films, Inc. (VA) (VA)

C-LEC Plastics, Inc. (PA) (SC)

Ensinger/Pennfibre (PA) (NC)

Woll & Company (PA) (SC)

Fluoro-Plastics®, Inc. (PA) (FL)

H. Muehlstein & Company, Inc. (CT) (SC)

Modern Plastics, Inc. (CT) (FL)

Northeast Plastic Supply Co., Inc. (PA) (GA)

Plaskolite, Inc. (OH) (VA)

Novolex (OH) (OH)

Plaskolite, Inc. (OH) (NC)

Plastics International (MN) (NC)

Poly Pak Plastics (MN) (NC)

Precision Punch & Plastics (MN) (AL)

Premier Plastic Resin, Inc. (MI) (GA)

Raven Industries, Inc. (SD) (NC)

Sekisui Kydex (MI)

Precision Punch & Plastics (MN) (MN)

Premier Plastic Resin, Inc. (MI) (NE)

Raven Industries, Inc. (SD) (WI)

Premier Plastic Resin, Inc. (MI) (MN)

Conwed Global Netting Solutions/ SWM (MN) (MN)

Crown Plastik, Inc. (MN) (MN)

Diversi-Plast® Products Inc. (MN) (MN)

Elastomer Engineering Incorporated (IA) (IA)

Indelco Plastics Corporation (MN) (MN)


Plastics International (MN) (MN)

Plastik Unlimited (IA) (IA)

Poly Pak Plastics (MN) (MN)

Precision Punch & Plastics (MN) (MN)

Raven Industries, Inc. (SD) (SD)

Udy Corp. (CO) (CO)


ACI Plastics (MO) (MO)

Semua Plastik dan Fiberglass, Inc. (AL) (AL)

Aurora Technologies, Inc. (MO) (MO)

Blueridge Films, Inc. (VA) (VA)

Diversified Plastics & Packaging, Inc. (SC) (SC)

GE Polymershapes/General Electric Company (NC) (NC)

International Plastics, Inc. (SC) (SC)

Perusahaan Kleerdex (SC) (SC)

Multi-Pak USA, Inc. (GA) (GA)

Nike Ihm, Inc. (MO) (MO)

Norva Plastics, Inc. (VA) (VA)

Pacrim, Inc. (NC) (NC)

Piedmont Plastics (NC) (NC)

Plastik Produk, Inc. (NC) (NC)

Industri Polimer (AL) (AL)

Porex Corporation (GA) (GA)

Regal Plastic Supply Company (MO) (MO)

Triad Plastic Supply, Inc. (NC) (NC)


Advanced Gasket & Supply, Inc. (TX) (TX)

Baker Plastics, Inc./Baker Glass Co. (TX) (TX)

Boedeker Plastics, Inc. (TX) (TX)

Kemasan Fleksibel (TX) (TX)

Nationwide Plastics, Inc. (TX) (TX)

Plastik Amerika Utara (TX) (TX)

Plastik Factory, Inc. (TX) (TX)

Plastik Supply & Fabrikasi, Inc. (OK) (OK)

San Diego Plastics, Inc. (CA) (CA)


Acorn Paper Products Company (CA) (CA)

Calsak Plastics (CA) (CA)

Containers Unlimited, Inc. (CA) (CA)

Continental Western Corporation (CA) (CA)

Elastics, Perusahaan Plastik Ridout (CA) (CA)

Hoffman Plastic Compounds Inc. (CA) (CA)

Industrial Plastic Supply, Inc. (CA) (CA)

Plastik Interstate (CA) (CA)

Tn. Plastik (CA) (CA)

Orange County Industrial Plastics (CA) (CA)

Depot plastik (CA) (CA)

Plastik Supply, Inc. (WA) (WA)

Plastifab, Inc. (CA) (CA)

Polymer Plastics Corporation (CA) (CA)

Plastik Profesional (CA) (CA)

S&W Plastik (CA) (CA)

Vanderveer Industrial Plastics, Inc. (CA) (CA)


American Polyfilm, Inc. (CT) (CT)

H. Muehlstein & Company, Inc. (CT) (CT)

Modern Plastics, Inc. (CT) (CT)

Omniflex (MA) (MA)

Oxford Polymers (CT) (CT)


Akurat Plastik, Inc. (NY) (NY)

Acme Plastics, Inc. (NJ) (NJ)

Acrilex Inc. (NJ) (NJ)

Aetna Plastics Corporation (OH) (OH)

Akron Porcelain & Plastics Company (OH) (OH)

Blueridge Films, Inc. (VA) (VA)

Diversified Plastics & Packaging, Inc. (SC) (OH)

GE Polymershapes/General Electric Company (NC) (PA)

International Plastics, Inc. (SC) (NY)

Perusahaan Kleerdex (SC) (NY)

Diversified Plastics & Packaging, Inc. (SC) (SC)

GE Polymershapes/General Electric Company (NC) (NJ)

International Plastics, Inc. (SC) (NY)

Perusahaan Kleerdex (SC) (NJ)

Multi-Pak USA, Inc. (GA) (PA)

Nike Ihm, Inc. (MO) (NJ)

Norva Plastics, Inc. (VA) (NJ)

Pacrim, Inc. (NC) (PA)

Piedmont Plastics (NC) (OH)

Plastik Produk, Inc. (NC) (PA)

Industri Polimer (AL) (NJ)

Porex Corporation (GA) (DE)

GE Polymershapes/General Electric Company (NC) (NC)

International Plastics, Inc. (SC) (MD)

Perusahaan Kleerdex (SC) (OH)

Multi-Pak USA, Inc. (GA) (NY)

Nike Ihm, Inc. (MO) (NY)

Norva Plastics, Inc. (VA) (OH)

International Plastics, Inc. (SC) (SC)

Perusahaan Kleerdex (SC) (SC)

Multi-Pak USA, Inc. (GA) (OH)

Nike Ihm, Inc. (MO) (NY)

Norva Plastics, Inc. (VA) (NY)

Pacrim, Inc. (NC) (OH)

Piedmont Plastics (NC) (DE)

Plastik Produk, Inc. (NC) (OH)

Industri Polimer (AL) (OH)

Porex Corporation (GA) (PA)

Norva Plastics, Inc. (VA) (VA)

Pacrim, Inc. (NC) (OH)

Pacrim, Inc. (NC) (NC)

Piedmont Plastics (NC) (PA)

Plastik Produk, Inc. (NC) (PA)

Industri Polimer (AL) (NJ)

Piedmont Plastics (NC) (NC)

Plastik Produk, Inc. (NC) (OH)

Industri Polimer (AL) (NJ)

Plastik Produk, Inc. (NC) (NC)

Industri Polimer (AL) (NY)

Porex Corporation (GA) (PA)

Regal Plastic Supply Company (MO) (NJ)

Triad Plastic Supply, Inc. (NC) (OH)

Texas (PA)

Triad Plastic Supply, Inc. (NC) (NC)

Texas (PA)

Advanced Gasket & Supply, Inc. (TX)

Baker Plastics, Inc./Baker Glass Co. (TX) (WA)

Acorn Paper Products Company (CA) (CA)

Calsak Plastics (CA) (CA)

Containers Unlimited, Inc. (CA) (CA)

Continental Western Corporation (CA) (CA)

Elastics, Perusahaan Plastik Ridout (CA) (CA)

Hoffman Plastic Compounds Inc. (CA) (OR)

Hoffman Plastic Compounds Inc. (CA) (CA)

Industrial Plastic Supply, Inc. (CA) (CA)

Plastik Interstate (CA) (CA)

Tn. Plastik (CA) (WA)

Tn. Plastik (CA) (CA)

Orange County Industrial Plastics (CA) (WA)

Orange County Industrial Plastics (CA) (CA)

Depot plastik (CA) (CA)

Plastik Supply, Inc. (WA) (WA)

Plastifab, Inc. (CA) (CA)

Polymer Plastics Corporation (CA) (CA)

Plastik Profesional (CA) (CA)

S&W Plastik (CA) (CA)

Vanderveer Industrial Plastics, Inc. (CA) (CA)


Akurat Plastik, Inc. (NY) (NY)

Acme Plastics, Inc. (NJ) (NJ)

Acrilex Inc. (NJ) (NJ)

Aetna Plastics Corporation (OH) (OH)

Akron Porcelain & Plastics Company (OH) (OH)

Blueridge Films, Inc. (VA) (VA)

Diversified Plastics & Packaging, Inc. (SC) (OH)

GE Polymershapes/General Electric Company (NC) (PA)

International Plastics, Inc. (SC) (NY)

Perusahaan Kleerdex (SC) (NY)

Diversified Plastics & Packaging, Inc. (SC) (SC)

GE Polymershapes/General Electric Company (NC) (NJ)

International Plastics, Inc. (SC) (NY)

Perusahaan Kleerdex (SC) (NJ)

Multi-Pak USA, Inc. (GA) (PA)

Nike Ihm, Inc. (MO) (NJ)

Norva Plastics, Inc. (VA) (NJ)

Pacrim, Inc. (NC) (PA)

Piedmont Plastics (NC) (OH)

Plastik Produk, Inc. (NC) (PA)

Formosa Plastics Corporation, A.S. (NJ) (NJ)

Franklin Fibre-Lamitex Corporation (DE) (DE)

GE Polymershapes/General Electric Company (NC) (NC)

Goodwrappers® (MD) (MD)

GRAFIX® Plastics (OH) (OH)

Great Lakes Plastic Company, Inc. (NY) (NY)

Howard J. Moore Co. (NY) (NY)

HP Manufacturing (OH) (OH)

International Plastics, Inc. (SC) (SC)

Perusahaan Kleerdex (SC) (SC)

Lerner Cetakan Plastik (OH) (OH)

Linersandcovers.com (NY) (NY)

Morco Plastic Fabricators (NY) (NY)

Perusahaan Manufaktur Plastik Gambar Baru (OH) (OH)

New Process Fiber, Inc. (DE) (DE)

New Tech Plastics, Inc. (OH) (OH)

North American Seal & Supply, Inc. (OH) (OH)

Northeast Plastic Supply Co., Inc. (PA) (PA)

Norva Plastics, Inc. (VA) (VA)

Novolex (OH) (OH)

Pacrim, Inc. (NC) (NC)

Pena-plas (PA) (PA)

Performance Punched Parts (PA) (PA)

Petro Extrusion Technologies, Inc. (NJ) (NJ)

Piedmont Plastics (NC) (NC)

Plaskolite, Inc. (OH) (OH)

Produk rekayasa plastik (PEP) (NJ) (NJ)

Plastik Produk, Inc. (NC) (NC)

Plastik-Craft® Products, Inc. (NY) (NY)

Produk Plastik Engineering Quadrant (PA) (PA)

Rutan Poly Industries, Inc. (NJ) (NJ)

Tahoma Rubber & Plastik, Inc. (OH) (OH)

Pabrik Pemotongan (PA) (PA)

Triad Plastic Supply, Inc. (NC) (NC)

Westlake Plastics Company (PA) (PA)


Acrylic Design Associates (MN) (MN)

Adams Plastics (IL) (IL)

Adapt Plastics®, Inc. (IL) (IL)

Teknologi Fabrikasi Lanjutan (MI) (MI)

Alro Plastics (MI) (MI)

American Acrylics Inc. (IL) (IL)

Applied Plastics Inc. (WI) (WI)

Armor Plastics LLC (IN) (IN)

Atlas Fiber Company (IL) (IL)

Aubright (MN) (MN)

Conwed Global Netting Solutions/ SWM (MN) (MN)

Cope Plastik, Inc. (IL) (IL)

Crown Plastik, Inc. (MN) (MN)

CS Hyde Company (IL) (IL)

Diversi-Plast® Products Inc. (MN) (MN)

Elastomer Engineering Incorporated (IA) (IA)

Espe Manufacturing Company, Inc. (IL) (IL)

Fibertech, Inc. (IN) (IN)

Gar Plastik, Inc. (WI) (WI)

Highland Plastics Inc. (MI) (MI)

Indelco Plastics Corporation (MN) (MN)

K-Mac Plastics (MI) (MI)

Kal-polimer (aktif) (ON)

McDunnough, Inc. (MI) (MI)


MH Containers and Equipment Company Inc. (OH) (OH)

National Plastek, Inc. (MI) (MI)

National Plastics and Seals, Inc. (IL) (IL)

Plastik Film Corporation of America (IL) (IL)

Plastics International (MN) (MN)

Plastik Unlimited (IA) (IA)

Poly Pak Plastics (MN) (MN)

Polytec Plastics, Inc. (IL) (IL)

Precision Punch & Plastics (MN) (MN)

Premier Plastic Resin, Inc. (MI) (MI)

Raven Industries, Inc. (SD) (SD)

Sekisui Kydex (MI) (MI)

Shadow Plastics, Inc. (WI) (WI)

Total Plastik, Inc. (MI) (MI)

Walton Plastics (OH) (OH)

WS Hampshire Inc. (IL) (IL)


American Plastics Supply & Fabrication Co. (NE) (NE)

Udy Corp. (CO) (CO)

Siapa produsen plastik terbesar?

Produser polimer
Produksi polimer in-scope
Usaha indorama
100 produsen teratas | Pembuat Limbah Plastik Indexwww.minderoo.org ›...› Indeks Pembuat Limbah Plastik ›Data› IndicesNull

Negara bagian apa yang paling banyak memproduksi plastik?

Texas dan Ohio memiliki karyawan industri paling plastik di negara ini, masing -masing 70.500. Ini diikuti oleh California, yang memiliki karyawan industri paling plastik tahun sebelumnya. ....

Negara bagian mana yang terkenal dengan plastik?

Dengan lebih dari 5.000 perusahaan plastik, negara bagian Gujarat di India Barat adalah pusat pemrosesan plastik terkemuka dan rumah bagi sejumlah besar produsen plastik.Gujarat in Western India is the leading plastics processing hub and home to the largest number of plastics manufacturers.

Manufaktur plastik mana yang terbaik?

10 perusahaan manufaktur plastik teratas di India pada tahun 2022 tercantum di bawah ini ...
Supreme Industries Ltd. Supreme Industries Limited adalah perusahaan plastik India yang berbasis di Mumbai.....
Astral Pipes Ltd. ....
Jain Irigation Systems Ltd. ....
Responsive Industries Ltd. ....
Mayur Uniquoters Ltd.
Nilkamal Ltd. ....
VIP Industries Ltd. ....
Wim Plast Ltd ..

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