5 distrik terbesar di sierra leone 2022

Distrik Perkotaan Wilayah Barat adalah salah satu dari 14 distrik di Sierra Leone. Distrik ini merupakan yang paling padat penduduknya di negara ini dengan jumlah penduduk 1.173.022 jiwa dan terletak di Wilayah Barat. Distrik Perkotaan Wilayah Barat terdiri dari Freetown, ibukota negara dan pinggiran kota. Wilayah Barat merupakan daerah terkaya di Sierra Leone, memiliki perekonomian terbesar, pusat keuangan dan budaya, serta pusat pemerintahan sentral negara itu.

  • Distrik Perkotaan Wilayah Barat adalah salah satu dari 14 distrik di Sierra Leone. Distrik ini merupakan yang paling padat penduduknya di negara ini dengan jumlah penduduk 1.173.022 jiwa dan terletak di Wilayah Barat. Distrik Perkotaan Wilayah Barat terdiri dari Freetown, ibukota negara dan pinggiran kota. Wilayah Barat merupakan daerah terkaya di Sierra Leone, memiliki perekonomian terbesar, pusat keuangan dan budaya, serta pusat pemerintahan sentral negara itu.
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  • Lokasi Distrik Perkotaan Wilayah Barat di Sierra Leone
  • Distrik Perkotaan Wilayah Barat
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  • Distrik Perkotaan Wilayah Barat adalah salah satu dari 14 distrik di Sierra Leone. Distrik ini merupakan yang paling padat penduduknya di negara ini dengan jumlah penduduk 1.173.022 jiwa dan terletak di Wilayah Barat. Distrik Perkotaan Wilayah Barat terdiri dari Freetown, ibukota negara dan pinggiran kota. Wilayah Barat merupakan daerah terkaya di Sierra Leone, memiliki perekonomian terbesar, pusat keuangan dan budaya, serta pusat pemerintahan sentral negara itu.
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Sierra Leone

Format Situation Report SourcePosted 4 Jan 2016Originally published 29 Dec 2015Origin View original

  • 5 distrik terbesar di sierra leone 2022
    Download Report (PDF | 609 KB)

Port Loko district is in the Northern Province, and is the fourth most populous district in the country. Port Loko borders the Western Area to the west, Kambia district to the North, Bombali district to the East and Tonkolili district to the South. The 11 chiefdoms of the district are Bureh Kasseh Makonteh (BKM), Buya Romende, Dibia, Kaffu Bullom, Koya, Lokomasama, Maforki, Marampa, Masimera, Sanda Magbolontor, and Tinkatupa Makonteh Safroko (TMS). Lunsar is the district’s largest Town, and other major towns are Masiaka, Rokupr, Lungi, Gbinti and Port Loko town. The population is predominantly Muslim (80%) and the largest ethnic group is Temne. According to the projected population 2014, the average household size is 7 people per family.

Population distribution: The population distribution by age group and gender (see table) indicates that 49% of the district population are of working age. 29% of the population is children in the 5-11 years age group, according to Population and Household Census 2004, and many of them, particularly in rural areas, are engaged in domestic or other forms of labor/economic activities. According to the projected population statistics , some 18% of the district population is below 5 years old. Almost 89%4 live in the district’s rural areas.

Livelihood and Economy: Production of food crops, such as rice, cassava and sweet potato, are the main livelihood sources for over 80% of the population. Small scale mining also takes place. The city of Port Loko is a major trade center in the Northern Province. The areas around Port Loko are known for bauxite mining. The London Mining Company, which operates iron-ore mining in Lunsar and Marampa, is a major employer in the area. The global demand for bauxite and iron-ore slowed down recently, and this coupled with falling prices in the international market, has negatively impacted the employment sector in the mining industry. To a lesser extent, some people are engaged in cash crop production, such as coffee and cocoa. During 2013-14, the London Mining Company, jointly with the Cotton Tree Foundation, Sierra Leone, implemented a USD 115,000 agricultural project supporting the youth groups of Marampa and Mafroki chiefdoms. Hiring labor and exchange workers are seasonal activities during the plantation and harvesting season from which the farming communities generate income. Due to EVD outbreak, in 2014 that income was lost as the number of hired labor and exchange workers during the season was reduced by 29% compared to 2013. The Wealth Index (WI)4 indicates that 26% of the district population falls into the poorest quintile, while 33% fall under a medium poor rating. Port Loko has the second highest portion of households (59%) in the two poorest quintiles.

Education: According to the Ministry of Education Science and Technology’s (MEST) school census in 2013, there are 687 schools in the district, of which 39 are pre-primary, 512 are primary, 111 are junior secondary, and 25 are senior secondary schools. Port Loko has the second highest number of schools in the country after Freetown City. The MEST recorded an increase of 30 schools (17 pre-primary, 6 junior and 7 senior high schools) in 2012-13 session compared to that of 2011-12. The majority (63%) of the schools are missionary, community or private schools, with the remaining 27% government schools.
The net primary enrollment rate is 57.5%. Educational attainment is higher among boys compared to girls in all three school levels (see graph aside). The average teacher-student ratio for the district is 1:47. The overall literacy rate is 32%. The Port Loko Teacher's College is one of the oldest and best known colleges in Sierra Leone.

UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian AffairsTo learn more about OCHA's activities, please visit https://www.unocha.org/.

5 distrik terbesar di sierra leone 2022



Distrik Perkotaan Area Barat


Distrik Bo


Distrik Kenema


Distrik Bombali

Kota Koidu

Terletak di Provinsi Timur adalah Kota Koidu yang bukan hanya kota terbesar di provinsi itu tetapi juga ibu kota distrik Kono yang kaya berlian. Kota Koidu dianggap sebagai kota terbesar keempat oleh populasi di Sierra Leone setelah Freetown, Bo, Kenema, dan Makeni dengan populasi 92.770. Kota Koidu beragam secara etnis, dan bahasa utama adalah bahasa Krio. Kota ini diatur oleh Dewan Kota terpilih dan dipimpin oleh walikota. Kota Koidu adalah rumah bagi dua dari sepuluh berlian paling kasar dan terbesar di dunia dan ditemukan di Sungai Woyie yang mengalir melalui kota.

Wilayah Administratif Sierra Leone

Sierra Leone memiliki kota -kota kecil dan kota -kota kecil yang membentuk wilayah geografis negara itu. Sierra Leone dibagi lagi menjadi empat wilayah yang merupakan provinsi utara, selatan, timur dan barat yang selanjutnya dibagi lagi menjadi 14 distrik. Setiap kabupaten memiliki kota -kota besar dan kecil.

Kota -kota terbesar di Sierra Leone

1 FreetownDistrik Perkotaan Area Barat853,651
2 BoDistrik Bo233,684
3 KenemaDistrik Kenema182,106
4 MakeniDistrik Bombali109,125
5 Kota KoiduDistrik Kono92,770
6 LunsarDistrik Port Loko24,450
7 Port LokoDistrik Port Loko23,195
8 Port LokoDistrik Kenema20,219
9 MakeniDistrik Bombali19,074
10 Distrik KonoDistrik Perkotaan Area Barat18,579

  1. Bo
  2. Distrik Bo
  3. Kenema

Apa distrik terbesar di Sierra Leone?

Distrik Koinadugu adalah distrik di provinsi utara Sierra Leone.Ini adalah distrik terbesar di Sierra Leone di wilayah geografis, dan salah satu yang paling padat penduduknya.Ibukota dan kota terbesarnya adalah Kabala, yang juga merupakan salah satu kota utama di Sierra Leone utara. is a district in the Northern Province of Sierra Leone. It is the largest District in Sierra Leone in geographical area, and one of the least most densely populated. Its capital and largest city is Kabala, which is also one of the main cities in Northern Sierra Leone.

Apa distrik terbesar kedua di Sierra Leone?

Bombali adalah distrik terbesar kedua di Sierra Leone dan ibukota dan kota terbesarnya adalah Makeni, yang merupakan kota terbesar di utara. is the second largest district in Sierra Leone and its capital and largest city is Makeni, which is the largest city in the north.

Kota manakah kota terbaik di Sierra Leone?

Freetown bukan hanya kota -kota terbaik untuk dikunjungi di Sierra Leone tetapi juga pusat politik, ekonomi, budaya, keuangan, dan pendidikan di negara itu. is not only the best cities to visit in Sierra Leone but also the political, economic, cultural, financial, and educational center of the country.

Apa kota ketiga di Sierra Leone?

Kenema.Kenema adalah kota terbesar ketiga di Sierra Leone dan terbesar di provinsi timur, dengan populasi sekitar 206.000.. Kenema is the third-largest city in Sierra Leone and the largest in the Eastern Province, with a population of roughly 206,000.